April 5, 2009

Eff eff eff.

Okay, Korea pics are finally available to the general public: clicky clicky
None from Tuesday for obvious reasons (generally not advisable to bring a camera around a place that's full o' nekkid people, as spa's tend to be).

It's been a long and wonderful weekend (the Friday-Saturday bit) and I am entirely too sore (out of shape) and not nearly as on top of cleaning and organizing as I should be (no excuse really, so there's me feelin' pretty shitty), and next week I am a teacher again and still not quite sure how to feel about that.

My fellow JET and I have better plans, clearer goals, but it's the same system we're working in, and that system has been grating on me for a while. More specifically my function within it, I suppose. ALTs are supposed to shape their students' education but are also endemically excluded from shaping the process. I almost wish I didn't see it, except I'd be a complete fool to wish for lack of perspective. Anyway it's not my or any other foreign worker's personal battle with the education ministry, and it never can be; that's not the way things will get changed. I can hope to close out the term with a few small successes, a couple students with the genuine spark of interest, and I can be glad of those, and so on for the next term. And then I'll move on to challenges that will actually allow me to make the effort of meeting them. In a new place, somewhere with bookstores and cafes I can haunt. I do like spooking about without spooking the locals, every now and again. Until then, of course, I'm making the most of my place and time here, crushing bureaucracies be damned. I can start champing at the bit and being a wet blanket next April :p

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