October 26, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Last weekend was pretty busy - Chieko, a part-time teacher who used to work at Shima & might be coming back next year (yey!) drove me all about Ise shopping for apartment things, and we visited Naiku, one of two grand shrines in the city dedicated to the highest Shinto god & goddess (Naiku is the goddess shrine). Monday was my epic smash-and-grab run to Nagoya, which left me pretty exhausted.

So I declared this weekend a write-off, and I feel pretty good about that. It's not that I haven't gotten anything done - AJ and I picked up stuff for our various Halloween classes at the 100-yen shop yesterday, and I found the last pieces to my costume at Jusco, the Target of Japan - but I've gotten stuff done at my own pace, and with a minimal amount of getting out of bed & leaving the apartment :b

Today I absolutely needed to do laundry; it's one of those two-weeks-and-then-some laundry days. So that was my work for today, it's been all PJ's & internets & books & idle crafts otherwise. Unfortunately the weather people lied and it still rained a little bit today, but not hard enough to actually get the balcony
wet. It was a lazy kinda rain, the kind you're not even sure is there because you hear some leaves rustling, but it could just be the wind. Only there was no wind today. The world seems to be sleepy.

It FINALLY got chilly, too, which made me so happy I opened all my windows to welcome it ( > w < ) And I got to put on my brand new PANDA SLIPPERS --->
They are fuzzy little bear-cubes of happiness. I got them at this wonderful little local chain store called Party House, which is kinda like a K-Mart but about the size of a Wal-Greens. It packs an incredible amount of stuff into a small store, and it's all really cheap! As you can see, they have some pretty awesome finds, too, not just discounted crap. In fact those nifty-looking floor-cushions you see in the picture were also bought at Party House :3

Currently listening to: The Beatles ~ I Am The Walrus
I wanna watch "Across the Universe" now . . . but I don't have it


Fragile Porpoise said...

Dear gawd, those slippers are made of copious amounts of win! o__o

Do you want Across The Universe? What region, m'lady?

Nikki said...

Aren't they just? I'm wearin' 'em right now <3 <3 <3

Haha, well being that my laptop is Uh-merican, that would be the...erm...Uhmerican region. Region 1, I think it is? **checks her copy of The Rocky Horror Picture Show** Yes, Region 1.

Now don't you go doing anything too nice, missy, or I will have no recourse but to respond with a kindness of my own ;b

Fragile Porpoise said...

Oh, they truly are. o__o

But I would never allow such retaliation! I'd send that niceness right back at ya'. Fo' totes.

Ku said...

;_; I need to hit you up for omamori from those shrines. I lurves omamori and jinja, and I therefore envy your proximity to Ise. *envee*

Also, those slippers. *enveeeee*

Please show pictures of your costume~! :D

PS: IT IS NOVEMBER 4TH AND WE DID IT YAAAAY. I am asploding with happy and I had to get it all over somebody: tag, you're it!

PPS: Now, the wait until January 20th. -_-