So I declared this weekend a write-off, and I feel pretty good about that. It's not that I haven't gotten anything done - AJ and I picked up stuff for our various Halloween classes at the 100-yen shop yesterday, and I found the last pieces to my costume at Jusco, the Target of Japan - but I've gotten stuff done at my own pace, and with a minimal amount of getting out of bed & leaving the apartment :b
Today I absolutely needed to do laundry; it's one of those two-weeks-and-then-some laundry days. So that was my work for today, it's been all PJ's & internets & books & idle crafts otherwise. Unfortunately the weather people lied and it still rained a little bit today, but not hard enough to actually get the balcony
It FINALLY got chilly, too, which made me so happy I opened all my windows to welcome it ( > w < ) And I got to put on my brand new PANDA SLIPPERS --->
They are fuzzy little bear-cubes of happiness. I got them at this wonderful little local chain store called Party House, which is kinda like a K-Mart but about the size of a Wal-Greens. It packs an incredible amount of stuff into a small store, and it's all really cheap! As you can see, they have some pretty awesome finds, too, not just discounted crap. In fact those nifty-looking floor-cushions you see in the picture were also bought at Party House :3
Currently listening to: The Beatles ~ I Am The Walrus
I wanna watch "Across the Universe" now . . . but I don't have it :c
Dear gawd, those slippers are made of copious amounts of win! o__o
Do you want Across The Universe? What region, m'lady?
Aren't they just? I'm wearin' 'em right now <3 <3 <3
Haha, well being that my laptop is Uh-merican, that would be the...erm...Uhmerican region. Region 1, I think it is? **checks her copy of The Rocky Horror Picture Show** Yes, Region 1.
Now don't you go doing anything too nice, missy, or I will have no recourse but to respond with a kindness of my own ;b
Oh, they truly are. o__o
But I would never allow such retaliation! I'd send that niceness right back at ya'. Fo' totes.
;_; I need to hit you up for omamori from those shrines. I lurves omamori and jinja, and I therefore envy your proximity to Ise. *envee*
Also, those slippers. *enveeeee*
Please show pictures of your costume~! :D
PS: IT IS NOVEMBER 4TH AND WE DID IT YAAAAY. I am asploding with happy and I had to get it all over somebody: tag, you're it!
PPS: Now, the wait until January 20th. -_-
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