October 21, 2008

Exhibit A

So all day yesterday I was under the impression that I had eikaiwa ("English conversation") at the community center, but after getting home I remembered that we'd adjusted the class schedule to allow for a Halloween party next week. Naturally, in celebration, I cleaned the hell outta my floors (I'm one of those people who lets cleaning go at the slightest hint of something better to do. Anyone who saw my dorm room last year can attest to this.)

In anticipation of the disarray that will likely overtake this past week's progress in tidying up, I submit for posterity authentic video evidence that my apartment was at one point in pretty decent shape (excepting of course the fugly pastel curtains that are still in my room; I will replace those by week's end, or may I be struck dead by lightning)


Fragile Porpoise said...

You are my absolute hero and that apartment is my new dream home! It's perfect! Oh, I love it so~
So, I wish to send you things to decorate your wall with and for that I need an address. Yes please?

Nikki said...

I thought I'd sent it to ya before, heh, my bad ^^; Address is now in your PM box, for happy mailing times!

BTdubs, I am totes enjoying a dessert of Marie biscuits (I'm pretty sure they're the same thing as Maria's, they just have trouble with foreign names in Japan) and peanut-butter. HOLY SHIZ you were completely right - they ARE delicious NutterButter substitutes!

Fragile Porpoise said...

Oh, thanks loads! :'D I should write you a letter at the very least but I want to send you a package. ' 3'

Haha, rad. I'm glad you tried it out. One must never go without Nutter Butters, that's what I always say.