May 13, 2009

Checkin' in

Eikaiwa started back up yesterday, and boy did we sure cram a loooootta people into a stuffy little room. I think at the last class AJ and I taught back in February, maybe five people showed up. There were 20 last night, most of them new faces, several of those completely new to English conversation, so this is gonna be interesting. We decided it would serve our general sanity better if we took turns teaching separately; not that our adult students aren't all kinds of wonderful, but sometimes you just really don't feel like standing up for two hours in a lecture room every other Tuesday night. Two people for that small a group is a little redundant anyway.

I got thrown a little off-kilter last night, with the long day and the sink full of dishes and the arts-and-crafts-included lesson I wasn't quite done preparing for when I got into the office this morning, but my head is clear again and I feel as on top of things as I generally get. Tomorrow is my first visit of the new year to moon-school (like a new moon, it only comes around once a month, and its workings are still mostly inscrutable to me).

Oh yeah, and over the weekend I scooched some things around in my apartment and managed to make it both broader and deeper. Suck on that, physics, my space works for me now, and does that ever feel good. Even better than soft-tennis-Mondays, because it doesn't make me all stinky and tired. THAT MONIKER IS A LIE, it is way harder than normal-tennis. Okay the balls are soft and squidgy and I cannot help thinking they look almost exactly like those fake boobs you'd find at Spencer Gifts & giggling to myself every now and again... but YOU try hitting one of those things across a full court while maintaining control of its height and direction and see how "soft" a workout it is.

Also, the backhand form? Weird as hell. If someone from my school's club attempted to so much as volley a normal tennis ball with their wrist in that position, their hand would snap clean off.


Fragile Porpoise said...

I don't know what you're talking about but I really like tennis.

Nikki said...

Haha me too. But for some strange reason it wasn't good enough for teh J-pan, so they invented "soft tennis" as a means of punishing us normal-tennis-players for...for what I really dunno, but I guess Andre Agassi must've pissed SOMEBODY in this country off.