January 23, 2010

today's adventure in foodcraft: tomato basil seafood soup

...and by "seafood" I mean "shrimp and clams" because I didn't have the patience to pick through the fish at Max Value today.

Thanks to Ginny (and I guess Boston Market) for the recipe! I'm not sure why this is supposed to be "intermediate" level - maybe because it involves more than two ingredients and no microwave?

But seriously, this is so quick and easy and simply tasty I am going to be going through EVEN MORE cans of tomato sauce than I already do. I probably account for like 40% of Kagome's sales in this town (so for those who are wondering, no, I cannot in fact get Boston Market stuff in Japan, nor would I really want to since generic garlic-onion-tomato sauce does just as well - plus, less fat content since it's non-creamy)

And I FINALLY found a locally-sourced supply of seafood what I can eats without worrying over the heavy metal content. Hooray for clams /o/ I do feel a little bad about boiling the little dudes alive, though. They never hurt nobody. But they are dericious, and in this case I feel more hungry than I do guilty.

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