March 13, 2009

Oh shi--

WHUT IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH AGAIN??!? Wow, bonus round this year.

Today is actually a lot better than last Friday. Despite the fact that it is raining again, this time I have my new Tokidoki rainboots to keep my feet both dry and superfantastic. (Don't worry, I got them on Amazon for substantially cheaper than their October 2008 retail price. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I've actually paid full-price for designer stuff...and I'm pretty sure that number is zero. I like having nice things, but I also like having more money left over when I get said nice things.)

AND I got chocolate and cookies for "White Day," an even sillier holiday than Valemtard's. The sole purpose of it is for Japanese guys to repay their chocolate-debt to the Japanese gals upon whose frail shoulders rest all of V-Day's gift-giving obligations in this country. But enough of my snark - free chocolate :D

Also, tomorrow I embark on another magical mystical journey to O-town. There are many, many good reasons why it is Chi-town's sister city and why I love it so, and this is just one among them. They have taken the concept of "baseball curse" and made it bizarre and amusing in ways that only Japan can really.

Oh, and in other news, Kim Jong Il has decided not to try and resume the Korean War until AFTER I get back from Seoul. I appreciate his consideration in this matter, but I still wish he would stop being a crazy mofo. Same goes for South Korea's president, too, honestly. Maybe if he and his buddies weren't such stingy bastards with the economic aid Kimmy would at least play nicer.

...I'm pretty sure the dood next to me just ate an entire bag of grape-jelly-filled rolls. For his lunch. Wow, Japan, you need an intervention for your bread problem.


Fragile Porpoise said...

Friday the 13th? Oh wow, you are so super right on with that and I hadn't even noticed. o:
Sweet arse boots! I love boots and I've always wanted some uber colorful ones. Or just some BAPE shoes. Yeah. c:
OMG, chocolate for you! Yay!

I used to think the most frigtening thing in the water was a narwhal but I stand corrected. Well, it's on dry land now so I think it's safe again...

Nikki said...

Really? I used to think the most cutest thing in water was a narwhal, but then I heard about dugongs and my heart nearly stopped <3

and you are NEVER safe from the Colonel @__@ He knows where you live, and he can access it via the waterways thanks to his many years of communing with the fishes.

Fragile Porpoise said...

When I was a child the narwhal at the Field Museum made me mess my trousers.
Except not really but it was freaky thinking you could be out swimming and that would show up and impale you.

Is he like Aquaman only evil? ;A;