June 21, 2008

humble beginnings

Dear blog:
Today around 2 in the morning you were born. I'm still not at all sure what to do with you, but I do know one thing: these gnats hopping around on my computer screen are driving me nuts. I kill them but they keep coming back!!!
I'm going to bed.


Ku said...



YOU CAN HAS BLOG NOW! I are excited! Let's be blogbuddehs. ^_^

Where'd you get this design? It's not one of those blogger presets, thanks be to gawd, and it has an uplayer text area, which I should like to do to on my blog, also, too. I wish I knew how to redesign the meshuggina, but these thingies are largely written in XML, omgwtf, and I donnae know the langidge yet. :(

In other news, LET'S SPEEK MOAR J-GO TO EACHOTHER. I are forgetting it. ;_; AND WHEN DO YOU LAUNCH TO J-LAND? O.o

Nikki said...

Urrrrrrr ack'shully, it IS a blogger preset. Maybe they din't have this one when you signed up.

Anyway, I just left an ass-ton (not really; slightly less than an ass-ton) of J-go on yer devArtz, soooooo 始ましょう!


Oh, and here's the kicker: Nicole Crnich (Aya's tutor buddy, my egregiously tall doppelganger) and I got placed IN THE SAME PREFECTURE. We are gonna tear Mie a new one, Wonder-Twins-style. And have cooking parties (>w<) <3