February 18, 2010

sweet & simple with shallots

Tonight's fare is another suggestion from my friend Ginny, which I plugged into Google and then found this as a guideline for, but honestly it's pretty hard to screw up.

You getcha six shallots and a packet (or two!) of baby tomatoes. Some olive oil, salt & pepper, and a splash of white wine later, and you've got deliciousness ready in under 15 minutes!

I decided to toss the pasta in there because I didn't feel like making anything else more complicated as a separate side, and it seemed the thing to do, given there was already olive oil and tomatoes in the equation. And ho mans, those tomatoes really soak up the wine juices! I wish I'd put more in, they are like little flavorsplosions wreaking tasty havoc in your mouth.

On a completely unrelated note, curling is actually kind of a mesmerizing sport...obviously I am suffering from the lack of new Caprica eps last week.

February 9, 2010

a day in the life

So hourly comic day was February first. I didn't find out about it until the fourth, but I did one anyway because hey, doodling all day! Who doesn't love that?

Links to the pages, because they are way too huge for this frame (also apologies for the narsty shadows, my camera is old)

Page 1

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Page 4